Friday, December 16, 2011

Organizing Christmas Parties

I am busy this Christmas season, and it isn't due to the Christmas parties that I have to attend. Well, partially, it is because of the parties I have to attend. The thing is, more often than not, some of the parties are ones which I have organized myself.

Do you know the nitty gritty involved in organizing a party or an event? Wow, I don't know how some people can do this for a living. Yesterday, I was supposed to have held a Christmas party at a rooftop, but due to the unpredictable weather, I had to move it indoors, only to be spat at in the face by mother nature, when she decided to make it a sunny and perfect day, and a crisp, cool night. Nonetheless, here are pictures of the set-up I made for that party.

I wasn't able to put much Christmas decorations in the venue, as we were really pressed for funds already. It was the first time I used a different catering company, also. For the past 2 and a half years, I would use Italianni's. The residents decided to take a different course this year, and approved Elarz Catering instead. That means, we had lechon last night.

Will post another party picture on Saturday, as I will be organizing another Christmas party. This time, this one is for the staff. Merry Christmas everyone!

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